QUANTIFOIL® is a perforated support foil with a pre-defined hole size, shape and arrangement.
We offer a variety of QUANTIFOIL® Holey Carbon Films with orthogonally arranged circular holes that differ in hole size and bar width. We also offer QUANTIFOIL® types with square holes and hexagonal geometry.
circular square multi hexagonal
If you would like to try out different types of QUANTIFOIL® Holey Carbon Films in order to find out which one meets your requirements best, you can order our MixBox with 30 support foils that contains five QUANTIFOIL® types (R 1.2/1.3, R 2/1, R 3.5/1, S 7/2, Multi A) and the standard Carbon Support Films on 300 mesh Copper grids.
Characteristics of QUANTIFOIL®
The QUANTIFOIL® Holey Carbon Film is about 10 to 12 nm thick. Due to residuals from the production process the overall thickness of the support foil is about 20 nm. In case those residuals have a negative impact on your results we recommend to wash the grids with chloroform, ethylacetat and aceton or to plasma clean them before use. They can be made more hydrophilic using standard glow discharge and plasma systems.
We also offer our QUANTIFOIL® with adaptations for special requirements. For more information see here.